Manjaro developers announced the release of a new version of Manjaro ARM Beta with Phosh for PinePhone. This image is running the 5.11 kernel from Megi 1, which is designed for the PinePhone.
Firefox uses a dedicated configuration and plays videos on Youtube pretty well
Camera app with access to back and front camera, including autofocus
Auto-Rotate function we had to remove
Welcome wizard for easy setup of the device
We have now a working Torch in the quick-access-menu
Prime phone functions working, including resume from deep-sleep and free speaking
Recording of audio works
Most applications got added to scale-to-fit
Haptic feedback functions are given
Optimized keyboard layout for terminal
Maps with working GPS
Volume buttons working
Sensors fully functional
Easy access to Bluetooth, Wlan, Rotate and Mobile functions via quick settings
Default branch is arm-stable. This can be changed by editing /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf
usage of callaudiod for better audio experience with calls